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Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos- the trees, the clouds, everything. The best six doctors anywhere – and no one can deny it – are sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet. The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter and the spirit heals with joy.
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Feel no Pain While Giving Blood – Gratefulmug Healthcare Group
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Feel no Pain While Giving Blood

Gratefulmug Healthcare Group / Feel no Pain While Giving Blood

Feel no Pain While Giving Blood


What are the advantages of blood donation for the donor? That aspect of the agreement is rarely mentioned. While the impact is less visible, there are some health benefits associated with blood donation. As it turns out, the donor can profit from this humanitarian decision as well.

Perhaps you’re thinking about donating blood but are concerned about how it will affect your body. Or perhaps you’ve done it before and are wondering about how it will affect you if you donate on a regular basis. In any case, you might be surprised by some of the benefits. We worked with medical professionals to determine some of the most significant advantages of blood donation.

The benefits of giving blood

  1. Giving blood can reveal potential health problems
  2. Giving blood can reduce harmful iron stores
  3. Giving blood may lower your risk of suffering a heart attack
  4. Giving blood may reduce your risk of developing cancer
  5. Giving blood can help your liver stay healthy
  6. Giving blood can help your mental state