
Welcome to GratefulMug Healthcare Group

Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos- the trees, the clouds, everything. The best six doctors anywhere – and no one can deny it – are sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet. The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter and the spirit heals with joy.
Appointment Hours
Monday - Friday By Appointment
Saturday - Sunday By Appointment
From Our Gallery

Mon - Sun By Appointment

27-2, Jalan Puteri 7/10, Bandar Puteri, 47100 Puchong

Make Healthy Choices – Gratefulmug Healthcare Group
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Make Healthy Choices

Gratefulmug Healthcare Group / Make Healthy Choices

Make Healthy Choices


Today’s lifestyle decisions can contribute to a healthier future. Learn how eating a healthy diet and exercising can help control or postpone the onset of age-related health issues.

A good diet and regular exercise can help reduce or delay health conditions associated with aging, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Set short-term goals for yourself in order to develop and maintain a balanced diet and exercise program.

Make the following five suggestions a daily priority:

  1. On most or all days of the week, try to be physically active for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Consume an abundance of fruits and vegetables.
  3. Select foods low in added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium.
  4. Choose whole grains, lean protein sources, and dairy items.
  5. Exercise all four types: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility.